Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Prince Of Persia

Prince Of Persia

I really wasn’t thrilled with this film. The graphics were really good in some parts and a little sloppy in others. Also you could barely see where they used computers to animate Prince Dastan as he danced around the city on dangerously thin wooden planks or performed gravity defying horizontal wall running. If you are in for wasting some time and money, then the visual is worth it. But it is definitely a renter.

Jake Gyllenhaal really is a great looking guy. He clearly worked out very hard for this film and I think people are right to be excited to see him bare chested. I did however have a problem with his attire.

Now I know it is a rendition from a video game (which I have played and enjoyed) but really? When you see this rugged “I don’t give a damn” man fighting in the streets and literally throwing himself off cliffs… I find it hard to picture this same man wrapping thin strips of leather around his arms for the express purpose of looking good/cool. I think fashion is not the first, second, or last thing on his mind. Honestly I think everyone would be happy if he took a page out of He-Man’s book and just took it all off. You only need a loin cloth anyway right?? Come-On!

Lastly I have to say Gemma Arterton did a pretty decent job of a prudish Brit who was also the keeper of sacred knowledge and a princess who could fight and wear pretty makeup and clothes and was at the same time a damsel in distress named Tamina and a shaman and …… Oh yeah that doesn’t make sense. None of it. But she worked it.

Final opinion = Don’t see it in theaters. See it when you’re significant other wants to stay in and cuddle because you won’t watch the movie anyway.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Iron Man 2 and Baby

Welcome back, welcome back! So glad you could make it.

Alright Iron Man 2. A word I would use to describe it would be... “Awesome”! I really enjoyed it. I saw in this movie how good an actor Robert Downey Jr. really is as Tony Stark. He is also swaying my opinion of the name Tony. Why??? Because Tony Stark is an ego driven, money hungry, genius that is kind of super awesome! I’m not going to lie if I had his money I’d have pretty much everything set up the way he does in his film. The downstairs Super Hi-tech-man-cave was really the highlight of the film for me.

I just realized something… I’m SUCH a Geek! Moving on.

But seriously I want that cave as my home (before it all gets destroyed that is) and I want to have it so everything and I mean everything is SUPER connected. Matt brought up an interesting point. “He must be on the fastest connection EVER!” As usual he would have to be right. As soon as Mr.Stark clapped his hands and asked for anything it was immediately up on the screen and giving him all the information he needed and all the info he didn’t. Too cool!

As for the plot, it wasn’t bad. Matt and I started debating for approximately 3 seconds as to whether the plot was decent and though it was it was certainly not “deep” and/or “all that meaningful”. But it is also derived from a comic book so… There you go.

I have to give MAD props to Scarlette Johansson for absolutely ROCKING my world. If I wasn’t a married man (or married to a man) I’d be all about her chicken! Her character (alias)Natalie Rushman … or Natasha Romanoff as it were, was super thrilling, hot, funny and had the perfect amount of curves for a woman. I have to go out and rent all of her previous movies which by the way were:

1. The Avengers (2012) (announced) (rumored) .... Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow

2. Nick Fury (2012) (announced) (rumored) .... Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow

3. Iron Man 2 (2010) .... Natalie Rushman / Natasha Romanoff

5. He's Just Not That Into You (2009) .... Anna Marks

6. The Spirit (2008) .... Silken Floss

7. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) .... Cristina

8. The Other Boleyn Girl (2008) .... Mary Boleyn

9. The Nanny Diaries (2007) .... Annie Braddock

11. The Prestige (2006) .... Olivia Wenscombe

12. The Black Dahlia (2006) .... Kay Lake

13. Scoop (2006) .... Sondra Pransky

14. The Island (2005) .... Jordan Two Delta / Sarah Jordan

15. Match Point (2005) .... Nola Rice

16. In Good Company (2004) .... Alex

17. The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie (2004) (VG) (voice) .... Mindy

19. A Good Woman (2004) .... Meg Windermere

20. A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004) .... Pursy Will

21. The Perfect Score (2004) .... Francesca Curtis

22. Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) .... Griet

23. Lost in Translation (2003) .... Charlotte

24. Eight Legged Freaks (2002) .... Ashley Parker

25. An American Rhapsody (2001) .... Suzanne - at 15

26. Ghost World (2001) .... Rebecca

27. The Man Who Wasn't There (2001) .... Birdy Abundas

28. My Brother the Pig (1999) .... Kathy Caldwell

29. The Horse Whisperer (1998) .... Grace MacLean

30. Home Alone 3 (1997) .... Molly Pruitt

31. Fall (1997) .... Little Girl

32. If Lucy Fell (1996) .... Emily

33. Manny & Lo (1996) .... Amanda

35. Just Cause (1995) .... Katie Armstrong

36. North (1994) .... Laura Nelson

Okay maybe on second thought I’ll watch them over a period of time. Geez girls’s been busy!

For all you Iron Man 2 fans - I found this next surprise online and if you’ve seen it before... giggle to yourself. If not be thankful for me and laugh out loud! Then forward my blog on and send the message: "OGM LOL!" with it. Then follow my Blog because I am awesome.

K Mark Out!